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NIS – Library is a unique information resource centre involved in collection of books and other documents on Siddha medicine and other related information to P.G. scholars, Ph.D. students, faculty and other community who need it to for  benefit of the society. The library is building a good collection of documents in the domain area of the institute and Department of AYUSH and providing various kinds of library services to its users. The acquisition policy of NIS-Library aims to acquire and retain all important Siddha and other Indian medicine publications published from and relevant to country.

NIS-Library is providing Reading Room service, Lending service, Reference and Referral service, Reprographic service, On-Line service (OPAC), Internet and Documentation service to users.  The primary mission of the library is to support the research activities of the institute by providing physical and intellectual access to information. The working hours of library is Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m to 8.00 p.m  and on  Saturday from 9.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m.

Presently library has 13053 books consisting of 4600 titles. The library has collection of 410 thesis / dissertations submitted by P.G and Ph.D scholars. New books are added to collection every year. NIS-Library is also subscribing important medical journals and also provides links to number of open access journals. An audio – visual unit is also available in the library block for the benefit of students and faculty in conducting seminars / Lecture etc. Departmental library is also functioning in 6 department of Siddha for immediate reference to teachers and scholar.

Library staff details

Dr. V. Mahalakshmi M.D(S)., Ph.D – Associate Professor; Librarian i/c

Smt. V. Kalpana – Library clerk

Mr. J. Rathinam -Sr. Library Attendant 





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