As part of the Compulsory Rotatory Medical Internship (CRMI) programme 11 Internees, from Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute (CHRI) had completed their observership programme in NIS from 29-06-22 to 05-07-22.

Each department of this Institute had prepared detailed programme schedules to educate these internees about the Siddha System of medicine and treatment facilities followed in this Institute as follows:

29-06-2022 : Department of Noi Naadal – Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Siddha system, Siddha Pathology, Naadi (Pulse) screening and its importance in diagnosing diseases, Neerkuri and Neikuri (Siddha way of Urine examination), Manikadai Nool etc were explained to the Internees

30-06-2022 : Department of Maruthuvam – Use of Siddha system for general health and other major diseases have been dealt with. Clinics and Siddha treatment approaches for Cancer and other major diseases were explained to the students.

01-07-2022 : Department of Gunapadam – Identification, purification, medicinal preparation and dosage of various medicines were explained to the Internees. The medicinal preparation being carried out in the lab was also shown to them.

02-07-2022 : Departments of Varma Maruthuvam, Pura Maruthuvam and Siddhar Yoga Marthuvam – Therapeutic approaches of Varmam (Vital points) Thokkanam (Physical Manipulation Therapy), Attai Vidal (Leech Therapy) and other external therapies were explained clinically.

03-07-2022 : Department of Aruvai Thol Maruthuvam – The clinical importance of diagnosing Ano-rectal diseases and Karanool Therapy have been explained to the candidates. Suttigai Therapy (Heat Cautery) for warts removal was shown to them.

04-07-22 : Department of Nanju Maruthuvam – Toxicological aspects of Siddha medicines and details of the Pharmacovigilance programme were explained to the internees. Treatments given for various types of poisonous bites in Siddha system and safety principles of drugs and food items in Siddha were explained to them.

05-07-22 : Departments of Sool Magalir Maruthuvam and Kuzhandhai Maruthuvam  – Treatment facilities for Paediatric and Gynecological disorders were taught to the Internees with clinical approach.

The CRMI programme was coordinated by Dr. M.V. Mahadevan, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Pura Maruthuvam and Dr. Swarnawalli, Assistant Professor (Radiology)


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