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Admission to B.S.M.S. (UG degree course) for the Academic Year 2023-24

मिसिलसंख्याF.No:NIS/4-93/Aca/BSMS(UG)Admission (2023-24)                           तारीख/Date:25.09.2023                                                                                                             
Applications are invited from NEET 2023-24 qualified Candidates for admission to the Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery (BSMS) Programme of this Institute for the Academic Year 2023-24. 
The detailed Prospectus and Application Form can be downloaded from our website starting from 27.09.2023.   
The last date to submit the filled up Application Form will be 16.10.2023 upto 5.00 p.m 


Click here to download the Print Media Notification


Click here to download the Prospectus for admission to B.S.M.S degree course 2023-24


Click here to download the Prescribed Application format










Admission to M.D (Siddha) Course

List of Students admitted in the year 2020-21 (Current Year)

List of Students admitted in the year 2019-20 (Previous Year)

List of Students admitted in the year 2018-19

National Institute of Siddha is affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Guindy, Chennai and it follows the syllabus and curriculum approved by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), New Delhi. The postgraduate courses have been started in 2004. Based on the marks obtained in the All India AYUSH PG Entrance Examination [AIAPGET] conducted by Ministry of AYUSH and Counseling held in this Institute, the students are selected and admitted to M.D (Siddha) Course.

As per the Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Guindy, Chennai – 32, letter No Proc.No.Affln.I(3)/33933/2018 dated 17.04.2019, the following Speciality P.G courses (M.D Siddha degree) have been conducted in this institute. No UG courses are being conducted here.


Generally Notification for admission to M.D. (Siddha) course will be issued every year through leading newspapers and National Institute of Siddha website.


Name of the speciality with available seats (As per 2020-21 Academic Year)
1. Maruthuvam – 10
2. Gunapadam – 10
3. Kuzhandhai Maruthuvam – 10
4. Noi Naadal  – 9
5. Nanju Maruthuvam – 9
6. Pura Maruthuvam – 4
7. Varma Maruthuvam – 3
8. Siddhar Yoga Maruthuvam – 3


Duration of the M.D (S) course is three years. After successful completion of the course, The Tamil Nadu Dr. M. G. R Medical University will award the Postgraduate Degree in Siddha Medicine i.e. M.D. (Siddha).


The candidates (except foreign candidates) have to appear for the All India AYUSH Post Graduate Entrance Test (AIAPGET), organized by All India Institute of Ayurveda, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi for admission to the M.D. (Siddha) course.


Candidate in possession of B.S.M.S, pass certificate recognized as per the provisions of the IMCC 1970 Act and possess a permanent or provisional certificate of B.S.M.S degree issued by the University.

The candidates should have registered their names either in State Council of Indian    Medicine or Central Council of Indian Medicine.

Note :

1.Candidates who had discontinued M.D (Siddha) course from this Institute on any grounds can reapply in subsequent years for admission if they had discontinued before the prescribed cut off date for admission by the University.

2.If the candidate had discontinued after the prescribed cut-off date prescribed by The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University they can apply only after two years from the date of discontinuance. But they shall not be entitled for stipend.

3.Candidates possessing M.D (Siddha) degree in any discipline can also apply for another discipline. But stipend will not be paid to such candidates.


1.Out of the total seats, one seat is allotted for a foreign candidate on rotation basis to one of the eight specialities of every academic year. If the seat remains vacant till one day prior to the cut-off date, the same will be filled from the general category on merit basis.

2.In remaining seats, 15% are reserved for natural born SC candidates, 7.5% for natural born ST candidates and 27% for OBC candidates. (In respect of OBC candidates, certificate of OBC status and exclusion from creamy layer for the year 2017-18 should be produced as per GOI notification issued from time to time.)

3.If the seat reserved for ST category remains unfilled due to non-availability of eligible candidates, the same shall be filled from the candidates belonging to the SC category on the basis of their merit.


One seat (3% of the total seats) from the general category is reserved for physically handicapped candidates with locomotor disabilities of lower limbs between 50% and 70% under the Disability Act subject to the condition that the disability certificate issued by a duly constituted and authorized Medical Board.

The Candidates should be otherwise fit medically. This seat is allotted on rotation basis among various branches.  However if the suitable candidate is not available, the seat will be filled up from the General Category on Merit Basis. Candidates aspiring to get seat under this special category should apply specifically along with the valid disability certificate.

*(i) If it involves only one lower limb it should have a minimum of 50% and should not  exceed 70%.

(ii)  If it involves both the lower limbs the total disability should not exceed 70% with  a  minimum of 50%.

(iii) In case candidates are not available in that category then the candidates with   disability of lower limbs between 40% to 50% will also be considered for admission.


The candidates who are selected for admission shall pay fees as decided from time to time by way of a Demand Draft on any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of the Director, National Institute of Siddha,Tambaram Sanatorium, Chennai – 600 047, payable at Chennai, at the time of counselling. The amount so paid by the candidate will be adjusted against the other fees payable to the Institute. Physical Fitness Certificate from a Competent authority should be submitted at the time of joining the course. If the candidate fails to join the course after getting allotment order and within the stipulated time the amount paid at the time of counseling will be forfeited.

The admissions for M.D (Siddha) course will close on the cut off date prescribed by The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University for the academic year. Unauthorized absence by the selected candidate continuously for one month and above from the date of commencement of the course will be treated as ‘discontinuation of the course’ and the candidate has to give a declaration to this effect at the time of counseling itself.


The annual tuition fees, special fees, caution deposit, etc for the first, second and third year of M.D.(S) course fixed from time to time by the Standing Finance Committee / Governing Council of the Institute will be collected from the students.

In addition to the above, every student will have to pay enrolment fees, registration fees, application fees, library fees, sports fees and migration fees (for those graduated from other universities) as prescribed by The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University to be remitted to the University at the time of registration.

Every student has to pay the prescribed fee for sports and Annual Day every year.

The prescribed examination fees will be collected by the University from time to time.

The fees prescribed are subject to revision from time to time by the University and the National Institute of Siddha.


The stipend shall be paid only to the candidates doing M.D. (S) course for the FIRST time. All Post–graduate students shall be paid stipend at the approved rates as per government norms.

The stipend is payable after verification of attendance and on the recommendation of satisfactory progress of the P.G. students by the respective Heads of the Department.

Stipend will not be paid to the student who had joined the M.D.(S) Course in any discipline earlier and discontinued the course beyond the cut-off date prescribed by The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G. R. Medical University resulting in a seat being wasted. When candidates study M.D(S) Course for second time in another branch / the same branch, stipend will not be paid.

During the study period the student will not be allowed to do private practice or do any type of job outside the Institute.

Every student on admission shall execute a bond on Non- judicial stamp paper that he / she would study and complete the course within the stipulated time. If he / she discontinues the course on his / her own accord or if his / her admission is cancelled for any reason by the Institute before completion, he/she shall return the amount of stipend received by him/her from the Institute in one lump sum.

In the event of death of a student during the study no recovery of stipend paid to him / her shall be made by the Institute


The following types of leave are available to the Post–graduate students, with stipend.

1. Casual Leave (CL): 10 days in an academic year. Unutilized CL cannot be carried forward to the successive academic year.

2. Medical Leave (ML): 15 days in an academic year duly supported by Medical Certificate issued by a Government Doctor and recommended by the H.O.D. This Medical leave cannot be combined with CL.  Unutilized ML cannot be  carried forward to the  successive academic year.

3. Maternity Leave: Students are eligible for 40 days of Maternity leave once in the whole of their study period.

4. Academic Leave (AL): On the recommendation of respective H.O.Ds 30 days of academic leave can be granted during the entire three year  M.D.(S) course for conducting academic /research works at other places/institutions or for attending any seminar/workshop  in which the student’s  paper has been accepted. In such cases the students will have to bear all the   expenses.

5. Any unreasonable leave or absence enjoyed   by stipendiary students without the previous approval  of the Director in excess of limit shall be treated as willful absence and no stipend shall be granted for such period with disciplinary action which includes termination of the candidature and recovery of the stipend paid.

6. On absence of the student for more than 30 days without previous permission / without information to the Director, admission in M.D (Siddha) of such student will stand terminated automatically without any notice.

7. Attendance: Attendance in practical and theory class as prescribed by the University for appearing in the University examinations is mandatory.


The rules and regulations of the University Grants Commission and the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R.Medical University with regard to ragging are followed strictly in the Institute to implement the Anti Ragging measure.

Each student and parent has to submit an online undertaking on every academic year at website to fulfill the online compliance of anti ragging regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational Institutions.


Hostel accommodation to the students will be provided on the basis of availability. The Hostel Fees fixed from time to time by the Standing Finance Committee / Governing Council of the Institute will be collected.