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Citizen Charter

National Institute of Siddha, Chennai

NIS Citizen Charter Hindi Version

The National Institute of Siddha (NIS), Chennai is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. The Institution was dedicated to the Nation on 3rd September 2005 by then Hon’ble Prime Minister of India as an apex Institute of Siddha in the country to develop high standards of teaching, training and research in all aspects of Siddha System of Medicine with scientific approach.

The Institute offers Post Graduate courses in Siddha and Ph.D programme which is affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R.Medical University, Chennai for Academic and Examination purposes and follows the Syllabus and Curriculum prescribed by the Central Council of Indian Medicine as adopted by the University.

I. Vision

  • High quality of P.G education and provide health care services in Siddha

II. Mission

  • To improve the quality of P.G. teaching
  • To validate the Siddha Medicine for selected diseases
  • To provide good health care services

III. Objectives

  • To promote the growth and development of Siddha system of medicine
  • To provide medical relief through siddha system
  • To impart the post graduate course of Siddha system of medicine
  • To undertake research and dissemination
  • To act as a center of excellence

IV. Treatment Service:

The OPD functions on all days of the year including National Holidays. The treatment service in Out Patient is charged with Rs. 20/- for first visit and Rs. 10/- for subsequent visits. Treatment in In-patient wards are free except Admission fees of Rs.100/-. Patients of Special ward are charged for A/C room rent Rs. 1000/- per day (Some of the special treatments are charged at minimum cost). Senior Citizen can avail 30% concession in all user charges.

Click here to see the Complete list of various charges collected for services offered [As on 23.09.2021]

Patients admitted in the pay wards are subjected to examination by post graduate students as this institute is a teaching institution.

  • Working Hours of OPD : 8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon (All 365 days)
  • Working Hours of Special OPD : 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM (Monday to Friday)
  • Total Bed strength in In-patient Ward is 200 as on 01.09.2014

V. Special OP ( Special Out Patient Clinics)[Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, Special OPD services stopped Temporarily]

 Name of Special OPDayConsultation Time
Irudaya noi & Nurai Eeral noi – Iraippu irumal (Cardiac diseases and Branchial Asthma)Monday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
Madhumegam (Diabetes)Monday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
Mooppu iyal (Geriatrics)Tuesday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
AutismTuesday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
Yogam and Kayakalpam (Rejuvenation therapy)Wednesday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
Putrunoi (Cancer)Wednesday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
Prevention and Control of NCDWednesday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
Azhagu iyal (Cosmetology)Thursday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
Athithoolam (Obesity)Thursday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
Magavinmai (Infertility)Friday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm
Siruneeraga noigal & Athikuruthi azhutham (Renal diseases & Hypertension) Friday2.00 p.m to 4.00 pm

 VI. Paid OPD:

  • Paid OPD is conducted on all week days (Monday – Friday) for the benefit working people and who are all coming from long distances
  • Consultation including 10 days medicines charges of Rs 500/- for first visit and Rs 450/- for revisits will be charged from every patient. 30% Concession available for Senior Citizens
  • The timing of Paid OP is Morning 8.00 to 12.00 pm

VII. Mobile medical camps (Swasthya rakshan OPD, Swasthya Parikshan camp):

[Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, Mobile medical camp services stopped Temporarily]

The Swasthya Raksha Programme has been launched by the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) with the objective to promote health and health education in villages. The objectives of the programme are:

To organize Swasthya Rakshan OPDs, Swasthya Parikshan Camps and Health/Hygiene awareness programme

Awareness about cleanliness of domestic surroundings and environment.

Provide medical aid/incidental support in the adopted Colonies/villages.

Documentation of demographic information, food habits, hygiene conditions, seasons, lifestyle etc., incidence/prevalence of disease and their relation to the incidence of disease.

 To achive above goals, National Institute of Siddha is organizing periodical mobile medical camps as per the following schedule at given places 

Name of the placeVenueTimings
PammalChildren park, Sankara nagarEvery 1st & 3rd Friday 09.30am – 12.00 noon
Old Perungalathur Panchayat officeEvery 2nd & 4th Friday 09.30am – 11.00 am
KannadapalayamM.M. Mount view Every 2nd & 4th Friday 11.15am – 01.00 pm
Rajakilpakkam, VGP Nagar Ruby avenueEvery 1st & 3rd Saturday 09.00am â€“ 12.00 noon
AGS ColonyAGS colony parkEvery 2nd & 4th Saturday 09.00 â€“ 12.00 noon

VIII. Peripheral OPD at Tribal Area:

National Institute of Siddha has opened an Out Patient Clinic on 2-3-2018 at a rented building in Tribal Area, Kothimangalam Village,  Thirukazhukundram Taluk, Kancheepuram District which is 50 KMs away from National Institute of Siddha.  The OP will render healthcare service to general public, in particular to tribal population and facilitate referral services to Ayothidoss Pandithar Hospital, NIS for In-patient management for required patients. Doctor consultation and dispensing of medicine is free of cost for tribal population. All other category of population can also avail treatment service with registration fee of Rs.15/- for OP Book and Rs.5/- for subsequent visit. The OP service is available from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.00 to 4.00 pm on all days except Sunday.

IX. P.G. Education in Siddha:

National Institute of Siddha is offering 3 years M.D(S) course affiliated to The T.N.Dr.M.G.R.Medical University, Chennai.

P.G.Admission notification will be issued during the month of July and written test followed by counseling will be held during the month of October and course begins in November.


NIS follows implementation of 27% OBC reservation from 2008-09

I Maruthuvam 10 Seats

II Gunapadam 10 Seats

III Pura Maruthuvam 4 Seats

III Varma Maruthuvam 3 Seats

III Siddhar Yoga Maruthuvam 3 Seats

IV Kuzhandai Maruthuvam 10 Seats

V Noi Naadal 9 Seats

VI Nanju Maruthuvam 9 Seats   [Total 58* Seats]

*One seat is allotted to a foreign candidate (BIMSTEC) on rotation basis to one of 8 specialties every academic year

  • 54 students have been admitted in P.G programme during the Academic Year 2020-21
  • Stipend for P.G studies paid as per Government of India norms

X. Ph.D Programme:

National Institute of Siddha is recognized by The T.N.Dr.M.G.R Medical University, Chennai for conducting Ph.D programme in 6 Departments of Siddha specialty. Some of the faculty members are recognized as guide for Ph.D programme. Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India has sanctioned 12 research fellowship (i.e two for each department) with monthly stipend. Based on the availability of guide and the number of candidates for whom each guide could provide service, the M.D(S) qualified candidates will be selected by conducting entrance examination. The six specialties are…

  • Maruthuvam
  • Gunapadam
  • Sirappu Maruthuvam
  • Kuzhandai Maruthuvam
  • Noi Nadal
  • Nanju Maruthuvam

XI. Research:

Although long historical use of many practices of Siddha medicine including experience passed on from generation to generation, has demonstrated the safety and efficacy of siddha medicine, it is important that, we present the scientific evidence and demonstrate the advantages of such products as described in the ancient text. It is the duty of researchers and academicians to establish the strength of siddha by scientific studies. The quantity and quality of the safety and efficacy data on siddha are far from sufficient to meet the criteria needed to support its use worldwide.

The research methodologies for evaluation of Siddha are to guarantee the safety and efficacy of medicines and procedure-based therapies. The siddha medicine relies on a holistic approach, efficacy assessment may be quite different to that of conventional medicine.

National Institute of Siddha is making strenuous effort in improving the quality of dissertation work of P.G. Scholar by scrupulously following research methodologies, so as to strengthen the clinical validation of siddha.

All research activities are undertaken with approval of Research Committee followed by Institutional Ethics Committee / Institutional Animal Ethics Committee.


NIS has signed a MoU with the following Institutions for collaborative research and academic related work.

  • Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 17-4-2008.
  • Tuberculosis Research Center – ICMR on 17-6-2008.
  • CCRAS on 18-9-2008.
  • SASTRA University, Thanjavur on 3-7-09.
  • Sri Ramachandra University on 26-2-2010.
  • National Institute of Epidemiology,Chennai on 12-5-2010.
  • University of Madras, Chennai on 9-6-2010.
  • The T.N.Dr.M.G.R.Medical University on 21-7-2010.
  • Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University on 10-8-2010.
  • IIT, Madras, Chennai on 22-06-2011.
  • Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar, Chennai on 13.07.2017
  • Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences on 19-01-2018.

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