As per the directions of the Director, National Institute of Siddha, a free Siddha Medical Camp was organized on 10.4.2022 at P. T. Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker College of Engineering and Technology, Oovery, Velliyur (Post), Kanchipuram.
A team consisting of Dr. M.V. Mahadevan, Dr. D. Periyasamy, Associate professors Mr. P. Thirumaran, Store and Pharmacy officer and PG Scholars from various departments along with other supportive staff of NIS were attended the free Siddha medical camp and also distributed prophylactic AKAM medicines to the public
The students of P.T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker College of Engineering and Technology were given prophylactic Siddha medicines against COVID-19 prevention. Dr. Thirunavkarasu, the chief coordinator, and Dr. S. Boopathi, the Principal of P. T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker College of Engineering, were actively involved to organising the camp in grand manner. About 300 patients from surrounding places were benefited from the camp.