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Kuzhandhai Maruthuvam


The syllabus of each of the subjects covers the traditional siddha and latest developments in modern scientific streams in paediatrics based on practical needs, whereby opportunity, developing skills as grooming siddha doctors are the major priorities. PG scholars are presenting weekly seminars in the academic and research interest. The faculty members are guiding and motivating the students towards to participate and present the research papers in seminar, conferences and workshops.


The department has taken up a few research programmes such as Kanam (Reccurent respiratory infections) Sooli Kanam (childhood bronchial asthma), Valai karappan (contact dermatitis).,Sirakamba vadham (Cerebral palsy). Thus, the department has really grown into a major centre of higher education and research in state of the art in siddha paediatrics.


Well established Out and Inpatient department to treat the children for all ailments and Obstetrics & Gynaecology. The departments has labour ward with necessary equipments for conducting normal delivery.


The OPD and IPD departments of Kuzhandhai Maruthuvam in NIS is a model department as a referral centre for the Paediatric diseases from various parts of TamilNadu. The special Therapies are given to the children who are suffering from cerebral palsy, myopathy, infantile hemiplegia etc. in addition to regular Yoga, Thokkanam and Varmam. In the Out and Inpatient department the faculties are giving treatment and consultation for the diseases such as Maantham (GIT Problems – Indigestion – Dyspepsia etc ), Kanam (Complicated Lower respiratory Infections), Kirumi (Worms infestation), Paandu (Anaemia), Sobai (Oedema), Kaamaalai (Jaundice), Lasuna thaabitham (Tonsillitis), Suram (Fever) ,Erumal (Cough),Baala vaatham (Poliomyelitis, Cerebral palsy, Mental Retardation) ,Thasai vaatham (Myopathy), Moolai valarchi kuraivu (Mental retardation) ,Venpadai (Leucoderma) , Sirangu (Scabies) , Seethakkazhichal (Dysentery) ,Puzhuvettu (Alopaecia) Akkaram (Stomatitis), Podugu (Dandruff), Kalaanjagapadai (Psoriasis), Marul (Wart) , Karappaan (Eczema) , Thavalai chori (Phrynoderma) , Thol varatchi noi (Dryness of the skin) , Kabasuram (Fever with respiratory Infections) , Peenisam (Sinusitis) , Eraippu Erumal (Bronchial asthma) , Padar thaamarai (Ringworm) etc.


In the Out and Inpatient department the faculties are giving treatment and consultation for the diseases such as prenatal management for the pregnant women, Anemia, leucorrhea, amenorrhea, dysmanorrhea, fibroid uterus, fibroid breast, infertility etc.

Future plans:

  • Documentation studies
  • Pharmacological evaluation of certain well known exclusive paediatric medicines
  • Conducting clinical trials on common diseases with special paediatric preparations
  • Validation of siddha concept of fertilization & pregnancy and management month wise
  • Postoperative prophylactic management of a mother through siddha medicine
  • Breast feeding and general nutritional care to infants in siddha view