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M.D (S) PG Course

Prof. Dr. M. Meenakshi Sundaram, M.D (Siddha); Ph.D (Siddha)

Dean (i/c)


Admission To MD (Siddha) PG Degree Programme For The Academic Year 2023-24 [New]

*** Copy of Approval obtained for UG Course (B.S.M.S) and PG Courses (MD Siddha) from National Council for Indian Systems of Medicine (NCISM) ***


The post-graduate degree courses have commenced at National Institute of Siddha from 30-09-2004. Siddha graduates with B.S.M.S Degree are eligible to apply for the post graduate degree. Selection is made on the basis of their rank in the All India Ayush PG Entrance Examination [AIAPGET] conducted by Ministry of Ayush and Counseling held in this Institute. Reservations are applicable as per the rules of Government of India. One seat is allotted for a Siddha graduate from foreign countries in any one branch cyclically every year. 

The branches offered to MD (Siddha)PG programme are:

As per the Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Guindy, Chennai โ€“ 32, letter No. Proc.No.Affln.I(3)/33933/2018 dated 17.04.2019, the following Speciality P.G courses (M.D Siddha degree) have been conducted in this institute. 

  • Maruthuvam โ€“ 10 seats
  • Gunapadam โ€“ 10 seats
  • Kuzhandhai Maruthuvam โ€“ 10 seats
  • Noi Naadal โ€“ 9 seats
  • Nanju Maruthuvam โ€“ 9 seats
  • Pura Maruthuvam โ€“ 4 seats
  • Varma Maruthuvam โ€“ 3 seats
  • Siddhar Yoga Maruthuvam โ€“ 3 seats. (Total Seats : 58)

Fee structures for M.D(Siddha) Students of this Institute from the academic year 2018-19 (Ref: F.No:NIS/2-6/Accts/2018-19 dated 01.10.2018)

S.NoParticulars1st Year(Rs)2nd Year(Rs)3rd Year(Rs)
1Tuition Fees300003000030000
2Admission Fees250000
3Computer and Internet Fee252525252525
4Library Fee150015001500
5Entertainment Fee700700700
6Sports Fee700700700
7Annual Day Fee700700700
8Counselling Fee75000
9Caution Money1250000
10Lab/Hospital Fees150015001500
11Identity Card10000


Out of 58 seats permitted in MD(Siddha) course, 1 seat is reserved for candidates from foreign Countries. Foreign candidates with the Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery (B.S.M.S) degree or equivalent degree as approved by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM)โ€”have to submit their applications to the Indian Embassies in their countries. The Indian Embassies will forward their applications to the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in New Delhi which in turn will forward the applications to the National Institute of Siddha, Chennai to consider for admission to the MD (Siddha) degree course.

A foreign candidate seeking admission has to submit an application, along with all the original documents, to The Registrar, The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Guindy, Chennai โ€“ 600 032 for obtaining Eligibility Certificate from the University.