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View of NIS Museum

“Museums enable people to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment. They are institutions that collect, safeguard and make accessible artifacts and specimens which they hold in trust for society” – The Museums Association.

As a standing proof to the above statement the museum in NIS was established in the year 2010 with the intention of exhibiting the heritage and importance of Siddha system of medicine to public and to science society as well. It has got a rich specimen collection of raw drugs 261 numbers from plant, animal and mineral origin and a total of 341 numbers altogether. They are mainly used by the Siddha students and public for drug identification and reference purpose. It also houses a good collection of Siddha specific specimens like palm leaf manuscripts (Maruthuva kurippu olaichuvadigal) and some Antique items which were found to be used by the ancient Siddha practitioners (viz.,) Marauri (Bark of tree), Neem tree plate, Kalvam, Marauzhakku, Mara padi, Mara agappai, Surai Kudukai, Pakku ural, Eeya chatti etc., Also Museum contains Miniature Models of Earthen Siddha Medicine preparation instruments like, Avienthiram, Mezhugu thaila enthiram, Kuzhi thaila Karuvi, Thula enthiram, Thooba enthiram, Padhanga karuvi, Senthuram erikkum karuvi, Man aduppu etc.

View of NIS Museum

In addition to the above, some basic Siddha concepts useful for general public were also showcased at Museum in digital flex form like… 

  • Muthadhukkal
  • 96 Thathuvas
  • 7 types of udar kattugal
  • Noi anuga vazhkai murai etc. 

 Its fascinating arrangement and rich collection of resources had never failed to inspire the visitors from officials, academicians of science and non science disciplines to public. the Museum is kept open for utilizers from morning 9.30 am to evening 6 pm. on all working days. Record for visitors is being maintained to emphasis on audience participation, accessibility and accountability.

 Future plans

  • Preparation of Models for the Surgical Instruments used by the ancient Siddha practitioners is underway.
  • Preparation of a directory of Museum for visitors is in progress. 
