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Details of Revenue earned during last four years

(2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22)


Particulars 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Tuition fees 5055700 5358475 5643025 4602275
Internship fee       80000
User charges for Research studies       72130
Interest income 1235813 1052511 949064 1829028
OPD Registration fees 6331835 6800580 5452680 5210340
IP Admission charges 87950 52800 0 0
IP.Spl.ward room rent 1848450 962850 0 650300
Parking Charges 1355080 1201155 918145 1178798
Thokkanam/Leach/Karnool  96100 62400 0 0
USG Scan charges 478700 467300 3800 0
X-Ray Charges 103420 82410 0 0
Lab Investigation Charges 933660 714910 1241517 2411007
ECG Charges 1000 950 0 0
Pulmonary Function Tests 6400 17900 0 0
Sale of Application forms 344500 332500 279000 371750
Charges for plant identification & issue of certificate 1500 1900 0 0
Room Rent from Nurse Quarters 77500 61500 37000 36600
Hostel Rent from Students 1537500 1560000 1830000 1735500
License fee from Staff quarter 7680 7680 8560 9000
Rental Income from ATM 104686 115156 129203 139336
Aavin Parlour rent 119395 348550 218402 190288
Auditorium Rent 12000 12000 0 0
Guest house charges 139200 27400 6600 51600
Ambulance Charges 0 0 0 0
Annual fee from Canteen 130000 180000 0 0
Library Income 56168 43685 13935 37749
Rental charges for Utensils 5000 6000 500 0
Outside student visit charges 3990 4896 0 0
Sale of Scrap & Misc. Income 776403 1246442 538764 51901
Institutional support charges CME & Projects/workshop fee etc 221300 579153 104350 58500
Total Internal Receipts 21070930 21301103 17374545 18716102


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This page updated on 01.08.2023