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Vigilance is the state of being watchful or alert for danger or some other kind of trouble .Keeping a watchful eye on the activities of the unit’s personnel and taking prompt action to promote ethical practices and ensure integrity and honesty in the official transactions.

Why vigilance?

There are individuals who are associated with unethical activities of getting personal gains at the cost of the organization. Such persons influence others leading to wastes losses and economic decline. There acts damage the reputation of the organization. Hence to restrict such person’s mis-endeavours and promote organizational interests, vigilance is required. Vigilance helps in improving the reputation of the organization, promoting custom of honesty and integrity, improving productivity, ascertaining accountability, increasing transparency and fairness, disciplining the corrupted and protecting the honest ones. Vigilance is not a hostile outsider it is an essential part of the management. It assists in enhanced performance and greater customer satisfaction.

The monitoring of the vigilance activities, implementation of the anti-corruption measures in the Public Sector, maintenance of purity, integrity and probity in the Public Sector viz, Public Sector Undertakings, Central Government Departments, Ministries and Public Sector Banks is done by the Government through Central Vigilance Commission. It acts as the apex body for exercising general superintendence and control over the vigilance matters in administration. In National Institute of Siddha this is implemented by means of Chief Vigilance Officer.

Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution

Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) resolution is a resolution of Govt. of India vide which CVC has been authorized as ‘Designated Agency’ to receive written complaints from general public on any claim of corruption and exploitation of office by any employee of the Central Government or any other Corporation, Company, Society etc. owned or controlled by Central Government. Under the PIDPI resolution, the identity of the complainant is kept secret and complainant is protected from victimization for making such complaints.


For more information, contact:

Central Vigilance Commission

Satarkta Bhavan, Block-A

INA GPO Complex New Delhi – 110 023

Ph: 011-24651084


Dr. P. Shanmugapriya, M.D (S) Ph.D

Associate Professor / CVO (Part time)

National Institute of Siddha

Tambaram Sanatorium

Chennai – 600047
