// ICSDN2023 – Updates 15.08.2023] //
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Prize Winners of Scientific Oral and Poster Presentations
Oral Presentations
S.No | Name of the candidate | Name of the college | Category | Prize Won |
1. | Ms.S. Sema Sri. | GSMC, Palayamkottai | UG | 1st |
2. | Mr. E. Rishi Kumar | Velumailu SMC | UG | 2nd |
3. | Ms. B. Sandhya | Excel SMC | UG | 3rd |
4. | Ms. H. Subha shree | Sri Sairairam SMC | UG | Consolation |
5. | Dr. S. Kesavarajan | NIS, Chennai | PG | 1st |
6. | Dr. K. Dharani | GSMC, Chennai | PG | 2nd |
7. | Dr. Janany Pohoopalan | NIS, Chennai | PG | 3rd |
8. | Dr. M. Muthu Pandian | GSMC, Chennai | PG | Consolation |
9. | Dr. K. Vishnu Priya | NIS, Chennai | Ph.D | 1st |
10. | Dr. T. Subathra | NIS, Chennai | Ph.D | 2nd |
11. | Dr. P. Mirunaleni | NIS, Chennai | Ph.D | 3rd |
12. | Dr Janani SwayamroopaJnanathapaswini | NIS, Chennai | Ph.D | Consolation |
13. | Ms. Karunya Jenin Ravindranath | Allied Sciences | 1st | |
14. | Ms. T. Jeevitha | Allied Sciences | 2nd | |
15. | Ms. J. Bhumika | Allied Sciences | 3rd | |
16. | Ms. D. Sri Ranjini | Allied Sciences | Consolation | |
17. | Dr. Binthuja G. Dharan | Pharmacovigilance Centre | Faculty | 1st |
18. | Dr. S. Kanimozhi | Sri Sairairam SMC | Faculty | 2nd |
19. | Dr. K. V. Vrindha | Santhigiri SMC | Faculty | 3rd |
20. | Dr. P. Sasi Kumar | JSA SMC | Faculty | Consolation |
Poster Presentations
S.No | Name of the candidate | Name of the college | Category | Prize Won |
1. | Mr. S. Vasantha Kumar | Excel SMC | UG | 1st |
2. | Ms. U. Sarojini | GSMC, Palayamkottai | UG | 2nd |
3. | Ms. S.Shakila Banu | GSMC, Chennai | UG | 3rd |
4. | Mr. N. Rohith Balaji | Sri sairairam SMC | UG | Consolation |
5. | Dr. E. Sasi Kumar | NIS, Chennai | PG | 1st |
6. | Dr. S.Shamshalniha | GSMC, Chennai | PG | 2nd |
7. | Dr. V. Shalini | NIS, Chennai | PG | 3rd |
8. | Dr. P. Suvetha | NIS, Chennai | PG | Consolation |
9. | Dr. B. Shalini | NIS, Chennai | Ph.D | 1st |
10. | Dr. M. Sri Sakthi Logisha | NIS, Chennai | Ph.D | 2nd |
11. | Dr . S. Shakila | NIS, Chennai | Ph.D | 3rd |
12. | Dr. S. Poonguzhali | Tamil University | Ph.D | Consolation |
13. | Mr. Lokesh Radhakrishnan | Allied Sciences | 1st | |
14. | Dr. Sneha Unnikrishnan | Allied Sciences | 2nd | |
15. | Mr. B. Karuvaki | Allied Sciences | 3rd | |
16. | Ms . Aruna Shivani | Allied Sciences | Consolation | |
17. | Dr. V. Renjitha | Santhigiri SMC | Faculty | 1st |
18. | Dr. S. K. Subalakshmi | Siddha practitioner | Faculty | 2nd |
19. | Dr. P. Priyanka | Siddha practitioner | Faculty | 3rd |
20. | Dr. Naansi Agnes | RVS SMC | Faculty | Consolation |
CSDN2023 Official Invitation
ICSDN2023 Programme Schedule
Session, Time & Hall Details of *Oral* Presentations – Category wise
PhD Scholars
PG Scholars
UG Students UG Students [Corrected Version]
Allied Sciences / Others
***Instructions for Oral presentation***
Session, Time & Zone Details of *Poster* Presentations
All Category Posters Session details
***Instructions for Poster presentation***
Details of *Oral* Presentations – Category wise (A ID = Abstract ID)
PhD Scholars
PG Scholars
UG Students
Allied Sciences / Others
Details of *Poster* Presentations – Category wise (A ID = Abstract ID)
PhD Scholars
PG Scholars
UG Students
Allied Sciences / Others
Guidelines for Oral Presentation
1. Presenter must be registered for the Conference.
2. The time schedule for Oral presentation will be uploaded in the website soon.
3. Time duration for presentation is 5 minutes and 2 minutes for discussion
(Any further question by the audience beyond this time duration is encouraged only off the dais). Presentations exceeding 5 minutes will not be entertained at all.
4. The papers will be judged based on the following criteria
I. Originality of work.
II. Articulation, Body Language & Confidence level
III. Design & layout of Slides & Presentation
IV. Quality of work done.
V. Clarity of explanation (Question & Answer)
5. Authors would have to carry their respective presentations (PPT) on a Pendrive and submit it to the respective Hall co-ordinators by 9.00 am on 10.08.2023.
The decision of the jury will be final.
Guidelines for Poster Presentation
1. Poster Dimensions: 120 cm (Height) X 90 cm (Width) – 4 x 3 Feet
2. Orientation: Portrait
3. Language: English
4. Poster Title Font : Arial Bold, Font size: 25
5. Poster Body Text: Arial, Size 20, Single space.
6. Pictures and Graphs to be used wherever needed to enhance the appearance.
7. The presenter must mount the poster atleast 30 minutes prior to their allotted time schedule (which will be uploaded in website)
8. The Judgment will be based on the following criteria
I. Originality of work
II. Poster organization
III. Quality of work done
IV. Clarity of information in poster
V. Delivery of content by the author
The decision of the jury will be final.
Full Paper Submission Date Extended Upto 31.07.2023
Link to Full Paper Submission
Instructions to Authors regarding Full Paper Submission
Thanks for Registering for the ICSDN2023
Due to the overwhelming response to the Conference,
Registration closed on 20.07.2023 at 6.00 pm
The Organizing committee is pleased to inform that as a part of 6th Siddha day celebrations, it has been decided to conduct an International Conference on Siddha Diet and Nutrition for Healthy Life to propagate Siddha medical system globally. The aim of this conference is to disseminate the knowledge in the field of Siddha dietetics & its related subjects with the participation of National & International Scholars, Researcher and Professionals. This conference will also discuss the Fundamentals, Latest developments and Future scope.
Download the detailed Brochure for ICSDN2023