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The National Institute of Siddha proudly commenced its Continuing Medical Education (CME) program on “Comprehensive Approach of Principle and Practice of Varmam” from March 3rd to March 8th, 2025 under the capacity building and CME component of Ayurgyan scheme, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India
The program was inaugurated on March 3rd 2025 at 9:30 am. The event commenced with a warm welcome address by Dr. M.V. Mahadevan M.D (S) Ph.D, Associate Professor, HoD (i/c), Dept. of Pura Maruthuram
Prof. Dr. G. Senthilvel M.D (S), Ph.D., Director (i/c) delivered the inaugural address by sharing his vision and mission for Varma Maruthuram, Siddhar Yoga Maruthuvam and Siddha diet regimen.
The Chief Guest Prof. N.J. Muthukumar M.D (S), Ph.D., Director General, Central Council of Research in Siddha (CCRS), Chennai-47 delivered a thought-provoking chief guest address to ignite the participants.
Prof. Dr. V. Banumathi M.D (S), Former Director, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai-47 delivered felicitation address
The vote of thanks was given by Dr. D. Periyarsami, M.D (S) Ph.D, Associate Professor, HoD (i/c), Dept. of Varma Maruthuvam with heartfelt gratitude.
Following the inaugural ceremony, participants shared their self-introductions and Varmam experiences marking a great start to the program.